
Hello. Hola. Bonjour. Ni hao. And a general howdy.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


    I don't feel like a Senior still. I never really felt like a Junior. Now it has all kind of flown on by and my biggest concern currently it Senior incentive. All I can think about is being able to leave during lunch and study hall. I used to enjoy school(don't we all at some point?). Now honestly I can say I rather dislike it. I have teachers that I can barely stand, classes that challenge everything, and no friends in between.
     My drawing skills leave much to be desired thus the reason I wanted to take drawing. I want to understand the human mind so I took Psychology. I want to be trilingual so I have taken Spanish and Chinese. My classes have reasoning behind them but I dread going to eight a day. I miss the old way and dread the new way.
      So tell me fine folks, why do we suffer through things like school when we have little choice in how it goes? My reasoning is because we as humans want to have a choice. We want to decide our future. Honestly my future in my mind is decided I will do what I want when I want and how I want. Because finally right now I am more than ready to say "I am a Senior. Hear me roar. I am officially an adult." Now tell me is that so wrong?

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